what is link building

What is Link Building?

Learn Digital Marketing

Link building is vital to your SEO success.

Just encase you do not know, link building is the process of obtaining or attracting other links from other websites. Say for example, cnn.com decides to link into a blog article you wrote online. This would be a major vote for you. The reason being for is because cnn.com is seen as an authority website. The more authoritative a site is the more value you will obtain from it. Your content will begin to rank higher.

We still get clients today that have a lot of content, but they lack great links. You need high quality links going into your site. You don’t need links from other websites into every page, but you do need some. You could get 100’s of links just into one page of your site. The result of this would boost all your content across your entire site. However, the content (or page) with the most links will generally rank the highest.

There are dozens of link building strategies, but the most popular ones are blog reviews, guest post, and resource link building. Building out high quality content is something you should always do.

Blog reviews and guest post are similar in some sense. When you run a guest post campaign you conduct an outreach campaign to other websites. You create a list of blogs to contact in your industry. You then ask to contribute content to that site with the hope of getting a link back into your site.

Resource link building is where you create high quality content on your site. You then reach out to people that have resource pages setup. You try to get them to link to your content. Below is a list of search operators. You would use the search operators to find relevant resource/link pages to pitch to.

Search Operators:


Examples of finding dog training related links/resource pages.

“dog training” inurl:links.html
“dog training” inurl:resources.html

The list is never ending, build your list of sites to contact and pitch your content.